Inspired by Interstellar when being in senior high, she decided to study film and visual arts in college. After digging into different genres of film from various countries, she was fascinated by the spark of the combination of film and music and knew that she wanted to pursue a career in film scoring. Nowadays, her scoring works include short films, documentaries, music design, CF, and so on. Also, her film score has won the 1st prize in the 3rd Pioneer Music Competition.
Besides her professional training in film, she learned to play the piano and clarinet as a child and participated in a concert band for more than 15 years. She was also trained by jazz players/teachers like Yun-Hui Hung, Yichun Teng, S'yo Fang, and the film composer Shuo-An Chen. Not only does she dedicate herself to film scoring but to teaching clarinet as well. Additionally, she was a lecturer of sound design workshops, trying to combine music with psychology and philosophy.
Regarding film and orchestral as native languages, meanwhile, she also integrates electronic, jazz, world, and other styles of music, to build a matching sound and ambience. She's looking forward to meeting people from film, animation, theatre, or any kind of field, who also think boldly, are eager to explore the possibilities, and have a passion to make magic hours happen.
獲獎經歷 Awards
2022 3rd Pioneer Music Competition - 1st prize
配樂 / 音樂音效設計經歷 Scoring / Music and Sound Design
《極窒演出》Abyss 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
《暗記》By Heart 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
《鹽水大飯店》Hotel Saltwater 影集 (series) | 配樂助理、單簧管樂手 Composer Assistant, Clarinet player
《荔枝椿象》Eggs 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
《安咕》Angu 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
ARTRA LAB 形象短片 (ident/promo) | 配樂 Original Music
《脫遊》Nowhere to Go 紀錄片 (documentary) | 配樂 Original Music
《西埔一號》Nanny, You're so Precious to Me. 紀錄片 (documentary) | 配樂 Original Music
《雙人舞》Dance Along the Coast Line 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
2020 回森林家〈21歲的森林〉(art project) | 音樂設計、現場演奏 Music Design, Live Performance
新北市學共2.0典禮開場短片 (motion graphic) | 音樂音效設計、混音 Music and Sound Design
《貓咪與毛球》線上繪本 (online picture book) | 配樂、音效設計、混音 Original Music
《鯊魚先生》Mr. Shark 劇情短片 (short film) | 配樂 Original Music
Pop World 蹦世界奇憶北投宣傳片 (promo) | 配樂 Original Music
政大金勇影展《萬花筒》Kaleidoscope 預告片 (trailer) | 配樂 Original Music
......等作品 and so on
教學經驗 Teaching Experience
教育部前瞻計畫〈聲家調查工作坊〉| 講師 Lecturer of Sound Design Workshop
政大人文創新學程〈聲音設計工作坊〉| 講師 Lecturer of Sound Design Workshop
教育 Education
- 國立政治大學廣播電視學系&人文創新學程——畢於2021
Bachelor of Arts in Radio and Television & Creativity and Innovation Studies
- 絲竹空爵士培訓課程——師事於鄧亦峻、方斯由等專業老師
Sizhukong Jazz Training Program
- 第五屆馬步配樂人才培訓計畫——師事於配樂家陳芍安老師、混音孫邵庭老師
2022 Film Scoring Talent Training Program
音樂背景 Music Background
國立政治大學管樂團 | 樂團首席、團長
The concertmaster of National Cheng Chi University Wind Band
安坑校友管樂團 | 樂團首席
The concertmaster of An Keng Alumni Concert Band
及人中學管樂團 | 樂團首席、團長
The concertmaster of Chi Jen High School Concert Band
安坑國小管樂團 | 樂團首席
The concertmaster of An Keng Concert Band
其他創作 Other Projects
《相談_歡》The Date 劇情短片 (short film) | 製片 Producer
《生活陶記》Life Pottery 紀錄片 (documentary) | 混音 Sound Mixer
〈去他X的演算法〉音樂體驗活動 (art project) | 主要創作者 Main Designer
《朵朵與小愫》Do You Want to Break the Egg? 實驗片 (Experimental) | 助導 Assistant Director、場記 Script Supervisor
(曾入圍2019 兩岸學生影展、2020 美國奧勒岡國際電影節 OISFF 、2020 莫斯科短片電影節 Moscow Shorts、2020 焦點國際點影節 Focus International Film Festiva、2020 國際電影詩歌節 FOTOGENIA Festival、2020 VASTLAB 實驗電影節等國內外影展)
......等作品 and so on