
劇情短片 Short Film|台灣 Taiwan|2023|19min|Color


Inspired by a true story, Eggs tells the tale of A-Li and A-Mai from Vietnam who meet and fall in love in Taiwan. When A-mai gets pregnant, what follows is not necessarily a blessing. Like many lost-contact migrant workers in Taiwan, who worried that they cannot afford to raise their children, flee and take on cash-in-hand jobs, A-Li and A-Mai go up the mountain to a place full of lychee stink bugs where A-Li can earn some money. When stopped by the police, they escape into the mountains and forests for fear of their status as illegal migrant workers. Taking refuge inside an abandoned factory, the couple tries to evade the police and to ensure the safe delivery of the baby.

工作人員 Credits 

演員 Starring|阮安妮、裴文貴

導演 Director|莊世圖 Saito Chong

製片 Producer|陳重佑 Chen, Chung-You

攝影師 Camera Operator|尤哲清 Zhe-Qing, You

配樂 Composer|黃若恩 Jo-En Huang                            ......等人 and so on

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