《寫實老司機》Day After (Realism)
劇情短片 Short Film|台灣 Taiwan|2022|24min|Color
每一個老司機心中都住着一個牛仔!小黃司機大偉不甘心在疫情期間被困在家裏,於是他想盡辦法要重回馬路上跟愛車奔馳。 究竟最後大偉能否排除萬難,完成這趟無人見證的騎士之旅呢?
Inside every taxi driver's heart, there is a wild cowboy. Da-wei doesn't want to be confined at home during the pandemic, so he tries every possible way to get back on the road with his taxi. Can he eventually overcome all the obstacles to finish this knightly trip that no one witnesses?
工作人員 Credits
演員 Starring|郭耀仁 KUO Yao-jen、楊宗樺 YANG Zong-hua、蕭慧文 Emma Xiao
導演 Director|陳彥宏 CHEN Yan-hong、陳淦熙 CHAN Kam-hei、詹淳皓 CHAN Chun-hao、游翰庭 YU Han-ting
原版配樂 Original Music |完美聲音Perfect Sound
(重新配樂 Re-score|黃若恩 Jo-En Huang )
「 以優秀的人物風格建立、在解讀戲劇能力、配樂呼吸掌握、完成度上,有著優異的表現,獲得優勝實至名歸。」—— 第三屆先鋒者音樂大賽評審侯志堅老師、溫子捷老師、游翰庭導演
備註:此為第三屆先鋒者音樂大賽指定配樂之優勝作品,非官方正片,如欲觀看正片請至金馬線上影院 。
Note: This is a re-scoring version, which won the 1st prize of The 3rd Pioneer Music Competition. The official one is available on Golden Horse Virtual Cinema now.