
劇情短片 Short Film|台灣 Taiwan|2023|27min|Color


ANGU is a troublemaker in Hakka village. One day, when he came home, he found an unfamiliar Benz car parked outside, discovering the news that his sister A MEI was going to get married. He couldn't understand his sister's decision also treated her fiance terribly...

工作人員 Credits 

演員 Starring|楊易儒、睦弈、鍾亞翰、侯睿哲

特別演出 Special Starring|林志儒、朱芷瑩

導演 Director|張心禧 Zhang Xin Xi

配樂 Composer|黃若恩 Jo-En Huang                            ......等人 and so on

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